Euroflora came to be at the end of the 1960s from a moment of inspiration.
Carlo Pastorino, the then president of Fiera di Genoa, imagined an extraordinary event dedicated to flowers and plants. An event equal to the most famous floralies in the world like Gand, Nantes and Budapest. The project was entrusted to Giuseppino Roberto, who, thanks to the efforts of the Genoese and Ligurian flower growers, developed upon the president’s idea and gave life to the first edition of Euroflora: an authentic spectacle of nature.
The famous logo
The lettering and logo that have always identified Euroflora were designed in the initial phase, by the creative artist Emanuela Tenti. Two abstract corollas opposites and imperfect, anti-conventional and purposefully imperfect characters were extremely successful, winning international competitions, and were used by engravers and State Stationary institutes in the creation of medals and postage stamps.

Entering the pantheon of floriculture requires ambition and international recognition.
On 27 August 1965, from Brussels, Emile Debroise, president of the A.I.P.H., (International Association Horticultural Producers), authorised the event. Euroflora officially entered the shortlist of the most famous international floralies.
Now in its 13th edition, Euroflora is the international exhibition of plants and flowers, the only Italian event among the European floralies recognized by AIPH.
The 12th edition is an ode to rarity. Precious botanical species from all over the world meet at Euroflora to celebrate the beauty and importance of nature. Euroflora 2022 confirms, as a location, the extraordinary setting of the Parks and Historical Museums of Nervi, and it is here that the “Rose of Genoa,” symbol of the Ligurian capital, makes its international debut. With more than 240 thousand attendees, Euroflora returns to prominence as the most important European event for the promotion of Italian and foreign floricultural excellence.
The eleventh edition opened the curtain on a never before seen event. Euroflora was transferred to Parchi and Musei di Nervi, a unique and extraordinary setting that can only be reached through public transportation. A true challenge leading to a reflection on the importance of nature and the more authentic respect of the complexity of a historical park overlooking the sea.
This was the final edition in the pavilions of the Fiera di Genova. Padiglione S, with its iconic circular structure, was divided into four large segments and a central area, each one characterised by an environmental biotope: the desert, Mediterranean scrub, the lake, the tropical forest and guided nature (architecture in the landscape).
Euroflora was an unparalleled spectacle. The images are witness to its magnificence: flowers and plants from all around the world, rare specimens never before seen were showcased together with magnificent artistic compositions. Imposing sculptures, waterfalls and works of art enhanced the event.
Together with Gand and Nantes, Euroflora cements itself as one of the most awaited events at an international level. Participation in the prestigious flower and plant show increased and technical and aesthetic competitions grew from 393 in the first edition to 620 in 1981. Fashions and new consumer styles were decided at Euroflora.
Over 440 thousand visitors and 26 different countries took part in the third edition of Euroflora. The event, which like the previous ones, took place in the Fiera di Genova, attracted journalists and hobbyists from all around the world. Everybody came to Genoa to admire plant and flower compositions of rare beauty.