The national floriculture and nursery production (Istat data referred to 2023) amounts to 3 billion and 145 million euros and represents 4.7% of Italian agricultural production (it was 4.5% in 2022). Flower cultivation amounts to 1 billion and 465 million euros (in value, 2.2% of Italian agricultural production). Nursery production confirmed 1 billion and 678 million euros (in value, 2.5% of Italian agricultural production). Liguria confirms itself as the “queen of flowers” with over 437 million of flower production, followed by Sicily and Campania. · Tuscany is first with over 923 million in the production of nursery plants, followed by Lombardy and Sicily. Regarding exports, Italy confirms itself as the second European power and third worldwide with (a production value equal to 5.2% of world exports). The trade balance of the sector continues to be positive, with an estimated surplus to date of +315 million euros. Substantial trade with France (+220 million), Germany (about +150 million), Switzerland (about +58 million), Great Britain (+44 million). The largest deficits in the Italian trade balance derive from trade with Spain (-25 million), and the Netherlands (-400 million equal to 69% of total imports in Italy).